Welcome to Year 5

I am delighted to be teaching the pupils in Year 5 this year and welcome the opportunity of working with you as parents/ carers.  As you know, in my role as Deputy Headteacher, I have time out of class for other duties.  During these times, Miss Smith will teach the class. These lesson will mainly be the foundation subjects of History, Geography, Science, Art, Computing, D&T and others.  These will vary from term to term. Please refer to the termly newsletter to see the topics we will be covering in Year 5.

The whole of the Year Five team, are firm in our belief that if children are going to achieve their potential, we need to work in a close partnership with parents. Over the school year, we will be in regular contact about how we can  help your child’s learning move forward.

Please feel free to share any worries or concerns with us regarding your child's ongoing progress.  The end of the day is best or email the school on admin@our-ladys.hereford.sch.uk marked for our attention.

Kind regards

Mrs R Bryan                            Mrs N Smith                                                Mrs A Sztandera          

Class Teacher/DHT                 Class Teacher (part time)                          Teaching Assistant 

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