

School Nursery

We are delighted to welcome you to our nursery. 


Our school nursery opened its doors in January 2022. It is a relatively small setting which we see as of enormous benefit to the children who attend. Our setting is a specialist early years setting in which our caring, experienced and well qualified staff value each child as a unique and independent learner.


At Our Lady’s we believe that every child needs a warm, supportive environment in order to develop the skills necessary to learn and reach their full potential. Our provision is child-led which means that staff continually observe, assess and interact with children to get a comprehensive grasp of their stage of development, unique styles of learning and areas of interest. We encourage and enable you as parents and important adults to be a part of this process and place great importance on communication between nursery and home.


We are a small team of very committed early years practitioners and we look forward to caring and educating your children throughout their time at our nursery and to working with you as your child’s first educators.


Learning in the nursery is carefully arranged to ensure that children have the opportunity to progress in all seven areas of learning and development within the EYFS.


For children under three years old we focus on the ‘prime’ areas: but also recognise the abilities of the child in the other four areas. Between the ages of two and three we are required to write a summary about each child in the prime areas of development. We will then invite you to discuss this and add ways in which together we can support your child’s development. You are then asked to share this information with the health visitor when you take your child for their two year old check.


For children over three we observe and recognise all seven areas of development.

Your child will be assigned a ‘key person’. That person will be responsible for helping your child to settle into nursery, helping them with personal care, building an attachment with them.

If you would like to visit or speak to a member of the team, please complete the expression of interest form which can be found below.

Are you looking for a nursery place for your child?

Our nursery is based within our primary school grounds, and  is an ideal environment to begin your child's development. Our nursery children are often included in the wider school activities; this ensures that they become accustomed to the school environment.

Nursery phone number 01432 266608

email nursery@our-ladys.hereford.sch.uk

Safe & Secure

Our nursery facilities  are ideally placed within the school environment which ensures that the most stringent measures are in place to provide your child with the safety and security you would expects.

Engaging & Interactive

Our staff are experienced and equipped to ensure that your child receives the expected level of development required as outlined by the statutory codes concerning the provision of nursery services for children

Friendly & Caring

Every child attending our nursery is a unique individual requiring tenderness, care and support. We value each child, and do our very best to ensure that their early development and confidence building remains our priority.

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