We are able to offer our children a hot school meal each day provided by Miquill. Hot lunches are currently £14.25 per week or £2.85 per day. Children receive a main course and a choice of dessert, fruit or yoghurt. If you wish your child to have a school lunch, please complete the menu via parent pay before 12 midnight on the Thursday before the week you require the meals. The menus rotate on a three weekly basis.
Children can also choose to bring in a healthy lunchbox from home.
All children in Reception Class, Year 1 and Year 2 receive a school meal each day as part of The Universal Free School Meal Scheme. We are also part of the 'Fruit for Schools' scheme through which all children in Key Stage 1 and Reception Class receive a piece of fruit daily.
Applications for free school meals, which are based on parental income, are dealt with by the County Education Officer, PO Box 185, Hereford. Forms for application are available from the school office on request or by clicking on the free meals application below.
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Children have access to filtered drinking water throughout the day and water bottles are available to purchase from the school office.
Update - Free school meals during the summer holidays - View Here
Application for free school meals
Ordering your child's meals - Letter
Helping any child grow up fit and healthy begins with a balanced diet. Children need to eat three balanced meals a day as well as snacks to ensure their bodies are getting all the nutrients they need.
At Our Lady’s Primary School, we care about your child’s health and wellbeing.
Here are some of the key benefits of hot school meals, which all of our children enjoy.
We’re all familiar with the afternoon lull. You’ve just eaten your lunch and suddenly the idea of getting back to work just doesn’t have the same appeal.
Your child is no different. Studies have shown that children are three times more likely to concentrate in the classroom following a healthy meal. This is because children need the nutrients from food to fuel their brains as well as their bodies.
By eating a healthy, balanced lunch, children are even more likely to remain focused during class and get the very best out of their learning.
Trying to get a child to do something they don’t want to do usually ends poorly. Mealtimes are no exception. Hence the age-old argument; "How do you know you don’t like it if you’ve never tried it?"
This is where a daily hot school meal can help. By sitting down with their peers, children are more likely to try new things. Does your child hate eating greens? Seeing one of their friends eating their vegetables might be the nudge your child needs to try it themselves.
Children come in all shapes and sizes and no child should ever be made to feel that there is something wrong with them. Children need to consume enough food to grow and develop into healthy adults. Sometimes, however, children may consume more than their bodies need, which can lead to them becoming overweight. This can lead to serious problems in later life, such as diabetes or heart problems.
By having a hot school meal, you can rest assured that your child is receiving part of a balanced diet. Many school meals even include three of your child’s five a day.
Please note that there are other factors that can contribute to a child’s weight and it is not always diet. Please contact your GP if you have any concerns.
Children are impressionable and, with the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life, it can be hard to know what habits your child is picking up.
By having a meal with their peers, children can learn important social skills that are essential in later life.
This includes:
Table manners
Conversation etiquette
Cutlery skills
As they progress though life and are offered experiences outside their home, they will be more confident when these social skills at table are developed.
With a hot school meal, you’re not just keeping your child fed, but allowing them to learn outside of the classroom.
School meals can teach children about food and nutrition, helping them build the foundation for a healthy lifestyle.
Here at Our Lady’s, we’re passionate about setting our pupils up for the rest of their life.
Boycott Road
Telephone: 01432 274814
Nursery phone number: 01432 266608