Religious Education at Our Lady's Catholic Primary School
Our rich curriculum embraces our Catholic Faith at its heart and complies with the Religious Education Directory requirements.
We currently follow the 'Come and see’ programme. Links are made with the children’s own experiences and the curriculum is adapted to make it real and meaningful to our children. We teach Religious Education through the process of Explore, Reveal, Respond. This follows the pattern of the human search for meaning, God’s initiative in Revelation and the response in faith.
We are very blessed to be supported by regular class visits from our Parish Priest, Father Andrew. He works closely with the children and staff, guiding their journey of faith and being on hand to help them wherever he can. Each class from Year 2 to Year 6 plans, prepares and leads a class mass once a year, in order to further help their understanding of the richness of the Eucharist.
We are also fortunate to be able to experience the richness of the liturgical life of the church in many ways throughout the year such as Feast Day Masses, the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and a range of assemblies including Lenten and Advent.
It is important to us that our children see themselves as part of a wider community. To ensure we have real and lasting experiences we include a variety of visits, trips and outside speakers.
At Our Lady’s we always strive to provide quality experiences of prayer and liturgy that support pupils’ spiritual development. These communal acts of prayer and the liturgical celebrations of the Church form part of everyday life in our school. Every child is given the opportunity to pray by giving praise and thanks to God using traditional prayers of the Catholic Church. We encourage the children to nurture a relationship with God through words, symbols, song, gestures and silence. Prayer is such an integral part of school life that it can never be confined to ‘timetabled’ slots but may take place in a variety of contexts other than those specifically structured. We mediate and ‘Examin’ daily, which allows the children to grow closer to God.
To implement Religious Education Directory R.E.D
we use In God's Name resources written by Dr Margaret Carswell.
Please see the overview:
Curriculum overview - three year cycle
Jewish Festival of Sukkot - celebrating other religions
As part of our Religious Education we joined Jewish community in celebrating the Festival of Sukkot. We made our sukkah in the school library, decorated and shared some cakes. We listened to the stories how Jewish people travelled through the desert to their promised land.
The story of Creation
We started our new school year with the story of Creation. We enjoyed learning about how God created the world and how we must look after our precious planet, being the custodians of the World.
Pupil Voice
Pupils in Year 6 speak impromptu about Our Lady's School.
Please click on the video clips below.
Liturgical Year
We conclude the Liturgical Year A with the celebration of the Feast of Christ the King.
We start Year B - the Year of Mark and begin to prepare for the season of Advent.
Other faiths - Islam - Eid Al-Fitr - we celebrated the holiday of Eid Al-Fitr which marks the end of Ramadan.
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Telephone: 01432 274814
Nursery phone number: 01432 266608