Our aim at Our Lady’s is for all of our children to become confident, fluent readers as well as nourishing and developing their personal preferences to develop a lifelong love of reading. As writers, we want to develop their creativity, vocabulary and writing style. We want our children to become confident, fluent writers who are able to use the wide range of writing tools they have accessed and developed whilst on their writing journey with us.
New Paragraph
"I love story writing and using my creativity and imagination." Victoria
"In English I love learning new things to help improve my writing." Luna
"I love learning new vocabulary, collecting new words and using them in my writing." Lily
"I love studying a range of topics in English, lots of exciting books and poems." Charlie
"I love poetry, especially nonsense poems and these are fun and interesting." Harley
"I love being challenged in English, as it teaches me and then I can move on and improve." Ben
"I like using my imagination in English, and really having to think about what I write." Emily
The Write Stuff
“I enjoy it because we make our writing more interesting and it makes us 'throw out' all the ideas stuck in our minds, onto the paper.”
“I like it because it is an adventure and you work through stages.”
“I like it because it helps me add more words in my sentences – and great words!”
“I like this way of writing because you write in stages and it helps you write an amazing piece of work.”
Boycott Road
Telephone: 01432 274814
Nursery phone number: 01432 266608