Welcome to Reception

We are very pleased to welcome you to our class page.


In Reception, we immerse our children in exploratory and playful learning experiences. These experiences foster their independence, creativity,  enthusiasm and knowledge.

We enjoy talking and exploring with the children, using exciting vocabulary and speech to help develop their communication and language.

We are kind and gentle, developing their personal well-being and social behaviours.

In our class we encourage the children to be brave - try new things and never give up.

Our children love to play and explore! They love to chat and to laugh! They love to learn.

Please take a moment to explore our class page and experience some of the learning our children have enjoyed so far this year.

The Reception Team

EYFS Yearly Overview 2024

Autumn 1 Medium Term Play 2024

Newsletter Autumn 2024


We aspire that through the love of Jesus everyone should

‘have life and have it to the full.’

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