

Breakfast Club


We have an excellent Breakfast Club here  at Our Lady's Primary School.  Our aim is to assist families who require additional flexibility during the day.

The Breakfast Club is recognised and registered as a Stay and Play facility by Ofsted



Our Lady’s Stay and Play was last inspected on the 13th March, 2020 and we were awarded the grade of 'MET' by Ofsted. It is now only possible to be awarded 'MET' or 'UNMET'. Until recently, it was possible for us to achieve one of four grades: Outstanding, Good, Requires Improvement or Inadequate and in our previous two Ofsted inspections we were awarded the grade of 'Outstanding'. A copy of the reports can be viewed electronically by clicking here, alternatively, call into the extended schools cabin during opening times.

After School Club 3.15pm to 5.15pm


£7.50 per session to include a light snack.

Children can choose from a wide variety of
resources both indoors and outdoors, including gardening and cooking.



Breakfast Club 7.45 am to 8.40am


£3.30 per session to include breakfast.

Children can select from a healthy breakfast choice which includes lower sugar/salt cereals, juices, yoghurt, fruit, beans and egg

On Fridays we have ‘Friday Try Day’, when the children are invited to try a new food/drink. They vote their likes/dislikes using our ‘Yuk and Yum’ characters!

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