As a part of the Governing Body we share a common objective which is, the wider school community – working in partnership with you as parents and carers and staff to ensure that every child can succeed and reach their full potential. The Governing Body has 3 specific roles, which are:
- To be strategic
- To act as a critical friend in the development of the school
- To be accountable to the whole school community
We work closely with all the school staff to ensure that your children receive the highest standard of care and education.
We are a ‘voluntary aided school’ which means that in order to enjoy the opportunity of educating our children within a Christian setting, we are obliged to pay 10% of any building projects. By sending your child to Our Lady’s, you accept that you have a responsibility which you cannot leave to others. Parents and Carers are asked to help the Governors meet these responsibilities with a termly donation of up to £15 which can be paid on ParentPay.
In order to carry out our role as Governors effectively, we need to know what issues are important to you. If you have any views to share please let us know – we can be contacted via the school office or by email: