
RISE Theatre Performance - God's Planet - Our Planet

We joined in the wonderful performance of RISE Theatre group which reminded us of God's wonderful creation and the message that we must look after our precious world.


Month of Rosary

We collect together every day in our prayer area to say a decade of the Rosary, contemplating each mystery.


Fundraising Event

We held a Cake Sale in aid of Morocco and Libya disasters and raised over £380.40 for CAFOD to help those in need. Pupils in older classes sold cakes across teh whole school. Well done everyone. Good team work!

May Procession

We took part in our school May Procession, holding Mary's statue and bringing flowers to her. feet.


God's Planet - Our Planet

We started the year thinking about the story of Creation. All classes reflected on how beautiful God's creation is and how we must live our lives to protect our precious world.

Here are some of our art creations:

  • Year 6

    Stewardship of the world

  • Year 3

    We are made  in the image of God

  • Year 5

    In Jesus we have life to the full

  • Year 4

    We are given different talents

  • Year 4

    God created us all

  • Year 1

    God's beautiful creation

  • Year 2

    We must look after our world



The Princess Trust

A group of girls donated their beautiful hair to a beautiful cause - The Princess Trust - to help the children in need.


Travelling Crib

Throughout the time of Advent and in preparation for Christmas, each class has a travelling crib to take home for the day. The bag includes the mini crib, purple cloth, a light and a Christmas story. Families are asked to share the story together and reflect on the season of Advent and the coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.


The Christmas Story Trail

Pupils across all year groups took part in the Christmas Story Trail where they read parts of the Christmas story travelling from station to station. At each stop they completed the task that reflected the story of Christmas.

Reception and Year 1 pupils were helped by their buddies from older classes.

Advent Assemblies 2024


RISE Theatre Performance - God's Planet - Our Planet

We joined in the wonderful performance of RISE Theatre group which reminded us of God's wonderful creation and the message that we must look after our precious world.


Month of Rosary

We collect together every day in our prayer area to say a decade of the Rosary, contemplating each mystery.


Fundraising Event

We held a Cake Sale in aid of Morocco and Libya disasters and raised over £380.40 for CAFOD to help those in need. Pupils in older classes sold cakes across teh whole school. Well done everyone. Good team work!

May Procession

We took part in our school May Procession, holding Mary's statue and bringing flowers to her. feet.


God's Planet - Our Planet

We started the year thinking about the story of Creation. All classes reflected on how beautiful God's creation is and how we must live our lives to protect our precious world.

Here are some of our art creations:

  • Year 6

    Stewardship of the world

  • Year 3

    We are made  in the image of God

  • Year 5

    In Jesus we have life to the full

  • Year 4

    We are given different talents

  • Year 4

    God created us all

  • Year 1

    God's beautiful creation

  • Year 2

    We must look after our world



The Princess Trust

A group of girls donated their beautiful hair to a beautiful cause - The Princess Trust - to help the children in need.


Travelling Crib

Throughout the time of Advent and in preparation for Christmas, each class has a travelling crib to take home for the day. The bag includes the mini crib, purple cloth, a light and a Christmas story. Families are asked to share the story together and reflect on the season of Advent and the coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.


The Christmas Story Trail

Pupils across all year groups took part in the Christmas Story Trail where they read parts of the Christmas story travelling from station to station. At each stop they completed the task that reflected the story of Christmas.

Reception and Year 1 pupils were helped by their buddies from older classes.


Advent Assemblies 2023

God has Risen

During Lent each class presented a different part of the Easter story in our Lenten Assemblies in the last week of the Spring Term.

It was so lovely and emotional to watch children reflect on the different parts of Jesus' journey from the Palm Sunday to the Resurrection.

These pictures show some of the work prepared by our pupils.

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